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Code kill's VideoLoops

Writer's picture: benno H.benno H.

Updated: Jan 30

a free workOut & charity project of bennoH. for Christmas 2024

My new Resolume Arena/Avenue plugin series 2024 "Code kill's VideoLoops"with 108 plugins, which are largely based on shader codes and I have spent almost a year to recoding the best, most exciting and newest shaders from various platforms into ISFs, moast by my self, and combining them with Resolume Wire-Node's to designe & create plugins for VJing and video artists.

The project title refers to the many advantages that such code, or more precisely fragment shaders based plugins have over video loops. Shaders can be manipulated live, e.g. you can change a shape of an object in terms of its dimensions, texturing or even structure, and this without additional filters or effects. Videos, on the other hand, are rigid in this regard.

The shader code also addresses the GPU APIs directly, which is more efficient than videos, which always require complex decoding and coding first before the actual GPU output or an effect generation is calculated.

  • All plugins are now in 4K including great downwards compatibility.

  • Many of the plugins can be used legal commercially for VJ's & VideoArtist's to perform

  • A newly designed and restructured user interface

  • integratet effectchains in generator plugins

  • Some transitions as plugins are on by along with effects and generators

  • Many interesting options and most of them can be animated by sound or a timeline

  • A detailed description *

  • YT Video tutorials *

    * will follow later if the project receives good feedback

So here are the most important things in brief:

- 1.) you should have at least version 7.18.1 Arena or Avenue available (you do not need to have a Wire license), as I created the plugins with Wire 7.18.1 and tested them with the Arena version 7.18.1. Upward compatibility should be possible up to the current Arena/Avenue version (at december 2024). I was unable to test backward compatibility.

- 2.) a powerful GPU with at least 6GB of V-Ram is necessary, but 8GB is recommended here, especially if you want to work in 4K, this point is very important.

- 3.) you have to contribute 65 USD to my expenses, which means that you contribute less than 1 USD per plugin, so it is more of a gift than anything else. You can send me your contribution to the costs via my PayPal account. As the sending adres at Paypal you can use that: . Please declare the purpose of the payment as "a private donation/gift for the PluginSeries-2024 from bennoH.". If this decal is missing from your Paypal payment, I cannot send you the DL-Link. As soon as you have done this, send me an email confirming that you have read and understood the license agreement/terms of use and accept them, I will then send you a DL link with which you can download the installation file with the plugins. Send your confirmation-email to:

The license agreement can be found here as a PDF-DL:

You can also find the CC license terms which apply additionally to some of the plugins here:

In addition to the 108 plugins, I am adding the 78 plugins (K1) of the 2023 series as a free addition, a special gift for U.

& Yes ... .. .

"Mathematics makes the invisible visible"

but don't expect too much from this statement. Many mathematical and physical theories and the formulas that arose from them have been completely proven absurd over time and new theses and formulas have been developed for or about them.I still use this statement "Mathematics makes the invisible visible" in my project, but I would like to make this clear in a somewhat simplified form, the ISF shaders or Wire-Node compositions based on „computer graphics“ (just „CG“ for later) formulas as a resulting mixture of these two basic concepts that I use to create small moving image works of art, my new Arena-PluginSerie2024.

GLSL code, however, forms the basis of both basic concepts and is therefore mainly mathematics, although a good portion of physics or subcategories of mathematics such as geometry and algebra are also involvet hidden in my Arena plugins. A world of hidden formulas behind bits and bytes that turn pixels into visual representations and, with the three primary colors red, green and blue, the additive color mixing, into fascinating little digital moving image works of art. A good example of this is the Euler numbers calculated by Euler (e.g. Euler's constant/ Euler-Mascheroni constant or "γ" for short) and the exponential spread or multiplication that is calculated with it, which is now found in all particle system-based visual CG effects and can be so fascinating that when looking at works that contain such particle systems, you would never immediately think of calculating something or racking your brains about the behavior or development of the image pixels, i.e. video images, rather it simply draws you into a kind of optical path.

Looking back, everyone is sure to know the Pythagoras theorem without which many basic geometric shapes could not be calculated and which is therefore often the basis of much that is visually represented in CGs or calculated in 3D programs. The more recent discovery of fractals, i.e. the Mandelbrot set, or the 3D fractals developed from it, i.e. mandelbulber-objects, have a downright hypnotic effect on us when we look at them with devotion. Incidentally, an extremely amusing anecdote about the discovery of the first fractal is that it was discovered in connection with signal impurity in the first WANs (Wide Area Network), i.e. the experiments on WEB precursors: In the 1960s, Benoit Mandelbrot was working as a young mathematician at IBM and had to eliminate interference signals, apparently similar to white or pink noise, from WAN transmissions, as these interferences meant that only parts of the data sent were understandable over long distances. In doing so, he came across a mysterious, constantly repeating rhythm of the noise, a pattern which he ultimately analyzed and defined as "z=z' +C", a growth formula which today is only referred to as a fractal. This is how Benoit Mandelbrot became the father of fractal geometry. Incidentally, this very simple formula is also found in complex-looking structures in nature, such as a fern leaf, where these constant repetitions can easily be recognized with the naked eye. In the real, tangible world, we are surrounded by such phenomena and have probably only recognized and deciphered a fraction of them. So there is a lot of theory which arose directly from the world around us every day and was developed by physicists and mathematicians, such as that of Lorenz and his chaos theory, the O-notation of Raynolds and the David Bierbach concept which refutes and expands on this (swarm behavior and intelligence), the Hilbert-Curve and so on and so on; In short, the plugins presented here are based on a wide variety of algorithms, including the good old Archimedes constant, better known as "π", and a number of other mathematical formulas and theories. And these are by no means credited in shader codes or by programmers in general, but are simply used as is, which should be mentioned in passing, not least with reference to any licensing claims for basic material that I use for my new 2024-PluginSerie.

All in all, it's very fascinating when you think about it like that?!

But we really don't need to worry about all that, we simply use individual values that I have uncovered for you in such mathematical structures, i.e. plugin options, to do our live performances and send the crowd into ecstasy.

Visualized animated mathematical formulas and structures versus intoxicating addictive and ultimately mostly harmful substances, isn't that a good suggestion?

With that in mind, "panta rhei"! your bennoH.

If you still want to delve deeper into the supposedly hidden codes in our everyday world,

I can highly recommend this article as an approach:

Can Nature Be Measured ?


Supercodes - The Secret Formulas of Nature by „ZDF“

You should turn on automatic translation and subtitles on YOUTUBE

because the original language is German

Leonhard Euler

Pythagorean theorem

Mandelbrot set

Hilbert curve

Chaos theory & ...

Additive color


In this article I explain how I recode pur Shadertoys, i.e. convert them to ISF's, adapt them and provide them with inputs to get options for live performing. Feasible for every Newbi.

And in my profile on you can find such pure ISF shaders from me under CC licensys

Panta rhei

This article is not available in English but you can easily have it translated with googleTranslate

My thanks with special appreciation go in particular to:

For some Sources of Co-Used Bass Material:

Fo r Special merits:

Mårten Rånge from Sweden/Europe

for his outstanding generosity in licensing but also his highly creative and VJ-perfect shader codes.

But also for his constant tutorials in the field

evvvvil from the UK/Europe

One of the most current grandmasters in live coding, probably the most demanding discipline in shader coding. In addition to his incredible speed, his works are highly creative and show his very own style

Martijn Steinrucken aka "BigWIngs"

For his generous permission to use some of his great shadertoy-codes in my Project-2024 under an exclusive and unique MIT license for that project.

But also for his long-standing efforts in the context of "Art of Code" to make fragment shader codes easier to create for everyone

For supporting me in my project:

Cornelius from VIDVOX-Support also known as ProjectileObjects a true "Light Florist”

Grig from & newemka a vj and Tooll3 dev contributor,

for her mental support during the project

Christoph Löbel & Zoltán Pálffy from the Resolume support for tech Wire-support

Unfortunately I must also add here that A) the support was very poor even during the project phase and above all B) when I published a post about the project in the Resolume forum the link to this website, my blogentry here, was censored with the inconsistent justification that I was asking for money for other people's work, by which them meant the fragment shader codes that I used, which is completely untrue and not in keeping with the facts because, on the one hand, I only ask for something for things licensed under MIT or CCO and this is absolut compliant with these license terms of MIT & CCO. You could even ask for a lot of money, make a real seal-product, for things that use MIT or CCO material as a part, which is compliant with these licenses, as anyone can read for themselves &

But, on the other hand, I'm only asking for an extremely modest share of the costs that I incurred in producing the plugins. I can only add that these 108 plugins of mine have involved well over 1100 hours of work and far more than 3000 USD investment on my part.

Zoltan is simply not the best programmer to tell it nicly, Resolume B.V. is lagging behind in development in many many many areas and Arena and Wire are riddled with obvious programming errors.

& Last but not least, there is Resolume B.V., which uses its Jucebar platform to profit from the work of other people, because only a portion of the proceeds from every sale on this platform there goes to the actual & reel author of the patch soldet. And that's not all, there is the same thing on Resolume's alleged "Blog", which is more of a videoloop-shop than a journalistic tool what for normal is a Blog.

With this unjustified censorship, they probably want to prevent me from being able to gif a way my Arena/Avenue plugins to people at such a accommodating and very generous offer and, last but not least, they are threatening to ban me from the forum if i repost the link to my Pluginpost. This is Zoltan's style and Christoph is actively supporting him in this.

Something similar had already happened with my previous project, the 2023 plugin series, and I had turned to Bart, the CEO of Resolume, with confidence and hope, and asked him to remedy the situation and that this would not happen again, without any reaction from Bart or anyone else, that is Resolume B.V. . 

More than disappointing to remain polite.

I will add to and expand this blog post here time by time, but for now the main thing is that the plugins that have just been completed by me can also be used by you.

These first promo videos are designed for the Christmas season, but the plugins are otherwise neutral and suitable for any use.

You can download a simple

overview table here:

German text part:

Mathematik macht das Unsichtbare sichtbar“

aber versprechen Sie sich auch nicht zu viel von dieser Aussage. Vielen mathematischen und physikalischen Theorien und daraus entsprungenen Formeln wurden im laufe der Zeit komplett ab absurdum gestellt und neue Thesen und Formeln dazu oder darüber entwickelt.

Ich bediene mich in meinem Projekt dieser Aussage „Mathematik macht das Unsichtbare sichtbar“ trotzdem, aber möchte dies in qausi vereinfachter Form zu verstehen geben, der hier auf Computergrafikformeln aufbauenden ISF-Shader oder Wire-Node Compositionen wie einer resultierenden Vermischung dieser von mir angewanten beiden Grundkonzepte, um kleine Bewegtbildkunstwerke zu erzeugen, meine neue Arena-PluginSerie2024.

GLSL-Code, liegt aber beiden Grundkonzepten als Basis zugrunde und somit eben zur Hauptsache Mathematik wobei auch eine gehörige Portion Physik oder Unterkategorien der Mathematik wie Geometrie und Algebra in meinen Arena-Plugins verborgen liegt. Eine Welt aus verborgenen Zahlen in Bits & Bytes welche Pixel zu visuellen Darstellungen Formen und mit den drei Grundfarben Rot, Grün & Blau, der additiven Farbmischung zu faszinierenden kleinen digitalen Bewegtbildkunstwerken werden lassen.

Ein gutes Beispiel ist hierbei etwa die von Euler errechneten Euler-Zahlen (z.B.: Euler's constant / Euler-Mascheroni-Konstante oder kurz „γ“) und die Exponentiele Ausbreitung oder Vermehrung welch damit berechnet wird welche Heute in allen partikelsystembasierten visuellen CG-Effekten steckt und sosehr faszinieren kann dass man aber bei Betrachtung von Werken welche solche Partikelsysteme beinhalten nie vordergründig auf den Gedanken kommen würde etwas zu errechnen oder man sich über die Verhaltensweise oder Entwicklung der Bildpixel sprich Videobilder den Kopf zerbrechen würde, vielmehr zieht es einem einfach in eine Art optischen Bahn.

Weit zurückblickend kennt jeder sicher den Satz des Pyhthagoras ohne dessen viele geometrische Grundformen nicht berechnet werden könnten und dieser somit oft die Basis von vielem ist was in CGs optisch dargestellt wird oder in 3D-Programmen berechnet wird. Die eher neuzeitliche Entdeckung der Fraktale sprich der Mandelbrotmenge oder die daraus weiterentwickelten 3D Fraktale also Mandelbulber-Objekte wirken geradezu Hypnotisch auf uns bei hingebungsvoller Betrachtung. Im übrigen eine äusserst amüsante Anekdote zur Entdeckung des ersten Fraktals ist dass dieses im Zusammenhang mit Signalunreinheit bei den ersten WANs (Wide Area Network) entdeckt wurde, sprich den Versuchen bei WEB-Vorläufern: In den 1960ern arbeitet Benoit Mandelbrot als damals noch junger Mathematiker bei IBM und musste Störsignale anscheinend ähnlich weisem oder rosa Rauschen aus den WAN-Uebertragungen eliminieren, da durch diese Störungen nur Teile der gesendeten Daten über weite Distanzen verständlich ankamen. Dabei stiess er auf eine mysteriöse stetig widerholende Rythmik der Störgeräusche, ein Muster welches er schlussendlich als „z=z' +C“ analisierte und definierte, eine Wachstumsformel welche man Heute nur noch als Fraktale benennt. So wurde Benoit Mandelbrot also zum Vater der fraktalen Geometrie. Im übrigen steckt diese sehr einfache Formel auch in komplex erscheinenden Gebilden der Natur etwa einem Farnblatt wo man diese stetigen Wiederholungen auch von blossem Auge bereits leicht erkennen kann. Wir sind überhaupt in der realen greifbaren Welt umgeben von solchen Phänomenen und haben bestimmt erst ein Bruchteil erkannt und entschlüsselt.

Also viel Theorie welche direkt aus der uns täglich umgebenden Welt entsprang und von Physikern und Mathematikern erarbeitet wurde wie die von Lorenz und seiner Chaostheorie, die O-Notation von Raynolds und das widerlegende wie erweiternde David Bierbachkonzept dazu (Schwarmverhalten und Inteligenz), die Hilbert-Curve und und und; Kurz diverseste Algorithmen, bis hin zur guten alten Archimedes-Konstante besser bekannt als „π“ und etliche andere Mathematikformel und Theorien liegen sodann den hier vorgestellten Plugins an sich zu Grunde. Und bei weitem werden diese nicht mit Credits in Shadercodes oder allgemein von Programmierern bedacht sondern man bedient sich einfach mal so, dies sei nebenbei einmal erwähnt nicht zuletzt auch mit Verweis zu allfälligen Lizenzansprüchen an von mir mitverwendetem Basismaterial.

Alles in Allem doch sehr faszinierend wenn man sich dieses einmal so vor Augen führt?!

Aber dass alles muss uns nun wirklich nicht weiter bekümmern, sondern wir benutzen einfach einzelne von mir für Euch freigelegte Werte in solchen Mathematikgebilden, sprich Plugin-Optionen um unsere Liveperformances dar zu bieten und die Crowd in Extase zu versetzen.

Visualisierte animierte Mathematikformeln und Gebilde kontra berauschender Suchter-zeugender und schlussendlich meist unheilbringender Substanzen, ist dass nicht ein guter Vorschlag?

In diesem Sinne „panta rhei“ ! euer bennoH.

Falls Sie sich trotzdem noch vertiefter mit den vermeintlich verborgenen Codes in unserer Altagswelt beschäftigen möchten kann ich Ihnen diesen Beitrag als Ansatz sehr empfehlen:

Kann man die Natur vermessen?


Supercodes - Die geheimen Formeln der Natur

vom ZDF-Doku Kanal

Leonhard Euler

Satz des Pythagoras




Additive Farbmischung

Panta rhei



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